Sunday, February 19, 2012

Back home

Although it was sad to leave Nana, Grandpapa, and New Orleans just three days before Mardi Gras, it was so lovely to come home to my beautiful Lucero and Rosalía. I also missed my husband, who, in his infinite mercy, had cleaned the house! I love nothing so well as a tidy home, which is really unfortunate given that Agapito and I are terrible housekeepers. I find that if my space is messy, my thoughts are apt to be messy too. What this means is that I'm discombobulated a lot of the time.

Speaking of spaces, today we're going to go look for houses. Woo-hoo! I'm thinking the oldest we'll be able to afford is a mid-century number, but who knows, maybe there's a little 1930s bungalow that needs a little loving? Flexibility is all, I remind myself. Below are some pics of Nana and Magdalena. Nothing like the palliative power of a baby's love! 


nikki said...

What wonderful pictures of Magdalena and your mom. I hope your mom is doing good.

I'm so excited for your house shopping! I hope we can talk soon.

jess said...

Yes, I so want to chat with you! Don't you think the top one of Mags and Mom looks like those Medieval pictures of baby Jesus? Okay, not really, but I just mean that Mags' head appears disproportionately small compared to the rest of her body, much like baby Jesus in medieval paintings. :)