Monday, June 20, 2011

Magdalena Beatriz: The early days

Here are pictures I've taken with my phone, starting with the most recent and working back to her birthday. Enjoy...

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Saturday, June 4, 2011

He nice, the Agapito (part II).

Our apartment in central Austin is smallish, at 1,000 square feet. It's a 3 bedroom, but the 3rd bedroom is the size of a roomy closet. We're reserving it for our nephew, who will be joining us in August to attend ACC. Over the last two years, we'd let the girls have the largest bedroom and we had the 2nd smallish one. But with the impending arrival of La Tercera, we decided that we really needed the big room to fit ourselves, baby girl, and the inevitable midnight Rosie and/or Lucero incursions (see below). Switching rooms with the girls was a pain, but I'm finally satisfied with the arrangement. Our room is big enough to accommodate our bed, dressers, bassinet, and even a big old comfy chair for nursing. However, the one problem was the there wasn't enough room for a bedside table by the nursing chair or the side of the bed I sleep on (which is closest to nursing chair and bassinet for obvious reasons). And here's where Agapito's awesomeness shines once again. He made me a coffee and phone ledge, accessible from both my side of the bed and the nursing chair (from which I took this photo)---

Coffee and phone ledge by Agapito.
And if you need proof that girls invade our space nightly,  I give you the following photo. Here the girls lie on the makeshift bed on the floor at the foot of our bed.

Sleeping cuties.

He nice, the Agapito (part I).

It was a recent Sunday, and the girls were spending the afternoon with their grandparents. I just couldn't shake hormonal angst. So Agapito took me on a drive down south. He indulged me in one of my favorite pass times, which is exploring Austin homes and neighborhoods. You see, I have an ongoing internal battle over what sort of home and neighborhood I would like us to live in. Broadly, I've determined there are 3 equally priced alternatives for our family in Austin, given our means: (1) A cramped fixer-upper in semi-Central Austin (i.e., not one of the cute Arts & Crafts numbers) with access to a good school and a feeling of urban-ness, (2) A large and new house in a potentially soul-crushing suburb with access to good schools and all of the modern conveniences that make mothering a helluva lot easier, or (3) A cool house on the border of the central and suburb with a crappy school. We've had it very good these last few years because, being university students, we could live in the UT apartments in central Austin for cheap, and Lucero has gone to the best elementary in Austin (best= optimal combo of academics and diversity).

On this particular Sunday I was feeling the lure of an area most aligning with option (2), in very south Austin. I justify the suburbs from a class-based perspective that I'm currently too lazy to detail. Anyway, having lifted my spirits by touring a few neighborhoods, Agapito took me to the Mandola winery in Dripping Spring and we ate this deliciousness--

Prosciutto and arugula pizza with a lemon vinaigrette on top.

Mussels, scallops, shrimp...amazing.

Alas, I didn't take a picture of the mascarpone cheesecake we ate afterwards, my gestational diabetes be damned.