Friday, February 10, 2012

Feminism can be sexy!

Have you ever heard the expression "snag"? It stands for "sensitive new-age guy." Like, "Yeah, I thought he was hot until he started talking about how beautiful leg hair on women is. Gag, what a snag." And there's nothing worse than snag-feminism. You know, guys who worship the goddess within you, your earthy, intuitive, reproductive powers. This quintessential example of snag feminism, courtesy of my friend Lars, demonstrates it quite nicely. (update: drat, that link is private now, but here's a hilarious parody of it.)

Which is why there is nothing more fantastic than Feminist Ryan Gosling! Go check it out!

Awesome, right? Prior to this blog, I couldn't have picked out Ryan Gosling from a line-up if you'd paid me. Now I want him to be my boyfriend (in a universe with polyandry where Agapito is the first husband).

Okay, so now that you've seen Feminist Ryan Gosling, you can appreciate my homage. Here I present to you, Feminist Magdalena.

One last funny. In response to another feminist who said, "I hate discussions of feminism that end up with who does the dishes," Marilyn French wrote, "So do I. But at the end, there are always the damned dishes."

Which is why the best thing I ever did to negotiate the household chores was delegating dishes to the boys!

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